Zip codes Comercial Nova Alvorada Neighborhood in Votuporanga/SP

The Comercial Nova Alvorada neighborhood located in the city of Votuporanga/SP has 5 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
15505-402 Rua Ivair Caetano Motta
Comercial Nova Alvorada Votuporanga/SP
15505-403 Avenida Halim Ibrahim Haddad
Comercial Nova Alvorada Votuporanga/SP
15505-404 Rua Professor Laor Apparecido Grespi
Comercial Nova Alvorada Votuporanga/SP
15505-405 Rua Natalina Verati Arado
Comercial Nova Alvorada Votuporanga/SP
15505-407 Rua Vereador Milton José Lisbôa
Comercial Nova Alvorada Votuporanga/SP