Zip codes Cecap I Neighborhood in Votuporanga/SP

The Cecap I neighborhood located in the city of Votuporanga/SP has 6 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
15501-065 Rua São Paulo - até 2396/2397
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP
15501-089 Rua Governador Fernando Costa
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP
15501-090 Travessa Osvaldo Cruz
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP
15501-091 Travessa Castro Alves
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP
15501-092 Travessa Monteiro Lobato
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP
15501-093 Travessa Machado de Assis
Cecap I Votuporanga/SP