Zip codes Jardim Boa Vista Iv Neighborhood in Urupês/SP

The Jardim Boa Vista Iv neighborhood located in the city of Urupês/SP has 7 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
15856-060 Rua Jesuino Bueno da Silva
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-062 Rua América Bragatto Carnielo
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-064 Praça Frederico Ozanam
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-066 Rua Luiz Perassa
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-068 Rua Luiz Carlos Mazoco
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-070 Rua Olivia Carlos Gada
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP
15856-072 Rua João Angelo Filho
Jardim Boa Vista Iv Urupês/SP