Zip codes Jardim América Neighborhood in Bastos/SP

The Jardim América neighborhood located in the city of Bastos/SP has 10 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
17694-020 Rua Brasil
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-022 Rua Vereador Haruichi Sakita
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-024 Rua Hisashi Mizuma
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-026 Rua Kiyossuke Sassaki
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-028 Avenida 18 de Junho
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-030 Rua Vereador Shigueru Shida
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-032 Rua Almirante Alexandrino
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-034 Rua Rui Barbosa - até 99997/99998
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-036 Rua Almirante Barroso
Jardim América Bastos/SP
17694-038 Rua Antonio João
Jardim América Bastos/SP