Zip codes Fagundes Neighborhood in Vespasiano/MG

The Fagundes neighborhood located in the city of Vespasiano/MG has 6 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
33200-670 Rua Santana
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG
33200-671 Rua Vereador Anésio Eduardo Fagundes
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG
33200-672 Rua Maria Barbosa Soares
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG
33200-673 Rua São Paulo
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG
33200-676 Avenida Francisco Epifânio Fagundes
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG
33200-679 Rua Y
Fagundes Vespasiano/MG