Zip codes Santo Expedito Ii Neighborhood in Pouso Alegre/MG

The Santo Expedito Ii neighborhood located in the city of Pouso Alegre/MG has 7 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
37557-341 Avenida Doutor João Crescêncio Ribeiro - até 521 - lado ímpar
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-342 Rua Roque da Silva
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-343 Rua Delci Roberto de Souza - até 300/301
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-345 Rua José Antônio dos Santos
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-346 Rua Mário Henrique Alves
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-348 Rua Antônio Osvaldo de Paula
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG
37557-349 Rua João Borges Ribeiro
Santo Expedito Ii Pouso Alegre/MG