Zip codes Daniel Gomes Neighborhood in Itabuna/BA

The Daniel Gomes neighborhood located in the city of Itabuna/BA has 13 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
45606-800 Rua Quinze de Novembro
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-802 Rua São Jorge
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-804 Travessa São José
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-806 Rua São José
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-808 Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima - de 520/521 ao fim
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-810 Rua Diney Oliveira
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-812 1ª Travessa São Jorge
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-814 Rua C
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-816 Rua B
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-818 Rua A
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-820 2ª Travessa São Jorge
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-822 Rua São Luiz
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA
45606-824 Rua Santa Rita
Daniel Gomes Itabuna/BA