Zip codes Arnóbio Batista Neighborhood in Irecê/BA

The Arnóbio Batista neighborhood located in the city of Irecê/BA has 17 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
44860-450 Rua Índio Mamede
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-452 Rua Ângelo Dourado
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-454 Rua Luiz Gonzaga
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-456 Rua José Batista
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-458 Rua Jaú
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-460 Praça Arnóbio Batista
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-462 1ª Travessa José Tibúrcio
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-464 2ª Travessa José Tibúrcio
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-466 Rua José Tibúrcio
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-468 Rua Surubim
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-470 Rua Tucupí
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-472 Rua Joselito Marques Dourado
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-474 Rua Tiradentes
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-476 Rua Rosalvo da Silva Pereira
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-478 Rua Fernando Machado
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-480 Rua Nilo Barreto
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA
44860-482 Rua Professora Maria Neide Palha Souza
Arnóbio Batista Irecê/BA