Zip codes Distrito Industrial Ii Neighborhood in Alagoinhas/BA

The Distrito Industrial Ii neighborhood located in the city of Alagoinhas/BA has 6 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
48006-040 Rodovia Governador Mário Covas
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA
48006-090 Rua Benjamin Franklin
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA
48006-094 Avenida Dos Caminhoneiros
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA
48006-120 Rua Madre de Deus
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA
48006-124 Rua Mataripe
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA
48006-140 Rua Lobato
Distrito Industrial Ii Alagoinhas/BA